
“Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting.”

Psalm 147:1

Please Join Us LIVE At 10:35!

We invite you to join our worship services each Sunday morning at 10:35 am. Our worship flows from God’s love for us, and is the expression of our love for Him. He is seeking those who “worship with him in spirit and truth,” John 4:23-24.

At NewLife, we hope that every element of our worship, especially the music, will reveal our identity in Christ – both warm and inviting, and bold and uplifting. Our worship must compel the hearts of believers to GO and share, the non-believers to come and share in. It should prepare us to infiltrate the culture around us to desire a relationship with Christ for the sake of the Kingdom … Worship outwardly expressed must first be an extension of what is inwardly experienced.

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