
“A church is first a family, next an organization, and finally an army.” 

Reverend Scott (“Rev”) Jackson

Spreading the Good News!

Our mission at Newlife is to see as many people reached for the Kingdom of God as we can. While the classic definition of Christian missions is proclaiming the Gospel message outside of one’s own culture, NLG actively participates in and financially supports missions within our own community, nationally, and abroad. While church planting is at the forefront of our mission work, we believe that God is using multipurpose ministries all around us. We want to be a part of supporting our neighbors in need as well as Spreading the Good News!

The Loco Drive-In

One of the area’s most unique entertainment venues, with the world’s first LED video board for movie viewing, now serves as the first Satellite Campus for NLG in Loudon, Tennessee.

The Unite Movement

There are campus events occurring all over the southeast. Please check out our website to learn more about getting involved, contributing financially, and seeing which Christian stars have signed up to lead worship and help bring students to Christ!

FCA Knoxville

Faith + Sport = FCA. Unite your two passions, faith and athletics, to impact the world for Jesus Christ.
We’ve been on one mission for over 60 years.

Juniper Worldwide

Sharing Christ and Loving people – we want to bring the hope of Jesus to the lost and hurting!

Marianne Hoyt – Young Life Spain

After her service to the Children’s Ministries at NLG, Marianne was called to serve the youth of Spain (utilizing her second language skills!) in a post through YL International. Find more information about supporting her in this “Call to Kingdom Work” by clicking the button below.

Young Life

Young Life doesn’t start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don’t happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust and consistency.